F&P Episode: 99 – Virtue, Law, and Community

Chris welcomes back Dr. Chris Burgwald. First, they discuss Pope Francis’s recent invitation to the bishops of the world to join him in consecrating Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. They then discuss a book they’re reading together, After Virtue, by philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre. They specifically dive into the themes of Chapter 12, titled “Aritsotle’s Account of the Virtues,” using a reading guide authored by Christopher Lutz. They discuss the connections between virtue, law, and community; the virtue of prudence; and Aristotle’s view of “friendship” as a foundational virtue for a polis or civil community, prior even to the virtue of justice!

F&P Episode: 98 – Hey, What’s the Problem?!

The Problem of Evil. Chris is joined again by Dr. John Schaff, Professor of Government and Director of the Center for Public History and Civic Engagement at Northern State University. They discuss the problem of evil, what evil “is” (or rather, “is not”), historical errors in understanding it, natural evil and moral evil, and why God might permit it.

Show notes: As mentioned by Dr. Schaff, here’s Peter Kreeft’s Critique of the Philosophy Behind Star Wars

F&P Episode: 97 – Evangelicals & Catholics Together

On this episode, Chris welcomes back Norman Woods, executive director of the Family Heritage Alliance. Chris announces his departure from the helm of the Catholic Conference and gives Norman a book as a parting gift, Evangelicals & Catholics Together: Toward a Common Mission, a 1995 book co-edited by Evangelical leader Chuck Colson and Catholic priest Fr. Richard John Neuhaus. Norman shares a quick take on “Catholics” and Chris does the same on “Protestants,” then they turn to their “top 3” bills to review for the session. They discuss mobile sports betting, surrogacy, parents rights, marijuana, education choice, and bathroom privacy.

Senate Bill 3

The SD Catholic Conference opposes Senate Bill 3. We do not agree that recreational marijuana use is safe and harmless, as has been assured during movements to legalize the drug in various jurisdictions. We do not see how this bill advances the cause of human flourishing and the common good. Read more…

F&P Episode: 96 – Catholic Microschools

On this episode, Chris is joined by Dr. Kevin Baxter, former superintendent of Catholic schools for the largest U.S. archdiocese, Chief Innovation Officer for the National Catholic Education Association, and current director of the Mary Ann Remick Leadership Program at the Alliance for Catholic Education at the University of Notre Dame. They discuss Dr. Baxter’s recent book, Greatness in Smallness: A Vision for Catholic Microschools, published by the NCEA. As Dr. Baxter describes it, a “microschool” isn’t defined so much by total enrollment, but is rather an attitudinal posture that isn’t afraid to depart from historical paradigms. For example, he describes how multi-age instruction (multiple ages of kids in one classroom) couldn’t be further from a “desperate” measure, but rather is a model with many, many benefits for children, and which is being used in some premier, high-tuition schools. Looking to the future, he sees leadership and innovation as the two pillars on which Catholic schools can newly thrive (again, not defined in enrollment data) in the years ahead.

House Bill 1246

The SD Catholic Conference supports HB 1246, a bill that establishes in statute the fundamental rights of parents to nurture, educate, and care for their children. The bill would firmly solidify in statute a rule that currently exists in judicial case law. As a practical matter, it would not eliminate Read more…

F&P Episode: 95 – Chris & Chris talk politics

Airing for this week’s installment of F&P is a segment from Catholic Views, the weekly broadcast of the diocese of Sioux Falls. Guest host Dr. Chris Burgwald interviews SD Catholic Conference director Chris Motz on bills that he’s tracking in the state capitol. Chris (Motz) rounds out the half-hour with late-breaking updates on several bills. Find all Catholic Conference legislative positions at https://sdcatholicconference.org/category/2022-session/ or follow updates on Twitter @SDCatholicCon.

House Bill 1311

The South Dakota Catholic Conference supports the passage of House Bill 1311, which would require that courts use state adoption laws in all instances of voluntary termination of parent-child relationships. It would thus eliminate the use of commercial contracts currently being used to end these most important relationships. While the Read more…

F&P Episode: 94 – Marijuana Policy

Chris is joined by Luke Niforatos, Executive Vice President at Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM). Luke shares SAM’s position on marijuana policy, unpacks who is driving the push to legalize marijuana across the nation and in South Dakota, and describes what science has told us about legalization efforts. He also reveals some of the failed promises of legalization advocates, namely that blackmarkets would disappear (they’ve expanded) and that it would be a boon to state revenues (far from it). Lastly, reflects on how Christians might approach the topic of marijuana policy.

Senate Joint Resolution 502

The SD Catholic Conference opposes SJR 502, which seeks to amend the state constitution to permit mobile sports betting throughout the state. The Catholic Church does not understand games of chance to be inherently wrong in every instance. However, very serious concerns arise in the context of modern sports betting, Read more…

F&P Episode: 93 – God, Country, and Grace

Chris gives a legislative update to open this episode, and then welcomes Fr. Joe Forcelle, a priest of the diocese of Sioux Falls. Fr. Forcelle recently directed a one-day retreat titled, “God and Country: Prayer in the Midst of Conflict and Grace,” which they discuss. He offers reflections on love of country through the lens of the 19th century short story, A Man Without a Country, by Edward Hale. Awareness and right-ordering of one’s passions, prayer, and the virtue of patriotism (pious love of one’s country and countrymen) are all important to holiness for those navigating turmoil in the civic sphere.

Senate Bill 159

The South Dakota Catholic Conference supports the passage of Senate Bill 159, which would eliminate the death penalty as a possible criminal sentence for those with severe mental illness.  The measure defines severe mental illness as “schizophrenia with psychotic symptoms, major depression with psychotic features, bipolar disorder with psychotic features, posttraumatic Read more…

Senate Bill 137

The South Dakota Catholic Conference opposes Senate Bill 137, which seeks to legalize commercial surrogacy in the state. The great pain felt by couples who experience infertility is a heavy burden. All who carry this cross should be met with love and support. And yet surrogacy is not the answer Read more…

House Bill 1005

The South Dakota Catholic Conference supports the passage of House Bill 1005, a bill that ensures sex-segregated restrooms and overnight accommodations for K-12 school children. The bill does not apply to single-occupancy rooms. Boys and girls are not interchangeable, but have God-given differences that are uniquely beautiful and important. Such Read more…

House Bill 1113

The South Dakota Catholic Conference supports the passage of House Bill 1113, a bill to criminalize threatening a pregnant mother with murder, assault, or kidnapping in order to coerce an abortion. This bill is similar to a prior HB 1193, which the SDCC supported in 2019, which criminalized such a Read more…

F&P Episode: 92 – Week 3 Legislative Update

Your road-weary host gets a chance to relax in the studio with Dr. Chris Burgwald, for a conversation on the moral implications of a number of bills currently in the legislative process. They discuss prayer in schools, tax-credit scholarships, intoxication and marijuana, the death penalty, the power of humor, and more.

Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

Today is the 49th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision effectively legalizing abortion in all 50 states. This is a day of sorrowful remembrance of all those “holy innocents,” those little ones in the womb, known and loved by God from the moment of their creation, who Read more…

Senate Bill 46

The South Dakota Catholic Conference supports the passage of SB 46, a bill that provides for fairness in sports, ensuring girls and women will not be required to compete against boys and men in athletic activities. SB 46 ensures state law respects the natural law, as given by God and Read more…