Religious Freedom

Religious Freedom is the right to practice one’s faith without coercion or fear, without obstacle or opposition.  Religious freedom is a right granted by God, to all human beings. It has its origin in human dignity: we’re all created for the transcendent, and by nature we’re attracted to it and Read more…

The Family

The family, as intended by God, is the faithful union between a man and a woman open to the blessing of children. It  is the foundation stone upon which human society is built and sustained. The marginalization of the core moral values necessary for the flourishing of the family is Read more…

The Dignity of Life

That all life is sacred and has dignity, from conception to natural death, is a truth we must never tire of speaking, especially in those circumstances where the lives of the voiceless and vulnerable are at stake.  It is an unspeakable travesty that our country has permitted the legal abortion Read more…

Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching, sometimes called the Church’s social doctrine, is that body of teaching and reflection that helps us to form a moral framework for how to approach and respond to society’s challenges of ordering and governing our life together in the world.  The truths that social teaching proposes are Read more…