Senate Bill 71

The South Dakota Catholic Conference supports Senate Bill 71, a bill raising the cap on South Dakota’s tax-credit K12 scholarship program to $3.5M. The program is currently capped at $2M. As the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council taught, “Parents who have the primary and inalienable right and duty to Read more…

F&P Episode: 91 – The Science of Chemical Abortions

This week, Chris is joined by Dr. Glenn Ridder a family practice doctor, medical director at the Alpha Center, state director of the Catholic Medical Association, and a permanent deacon for the diocese of Sioux Falls. Dr. Ridder explains how chemical abortions function in depriving a child of it’s needed environment in the uterus, resulting in death, followed by a second drug that causes intense labor that expells the deceased baby from the womb. He also explains the science behind abortion “discontinuance” laws and medical protocols, and shares the hearwarming story of a young boy who was recently saved with these methods. Lastly, they unpack the FDA’s recent loosening of safety protocols surrounding abortion drugs, and South Dakota’s legal efforts to place these protections for women in state law.

F&P Episode: 90 – 2022 Legislative Preview

This episode, Chris is joined by Norman Woods, director of Family Heritage Alliance for a preview of the 2022 legislative session. They talk about sexual identity and compassion, pro-life, education, surrogacy, and marijuana. Plus, the SD Catholic Conference is now on Twitter (in addition to Instagram and Facebook). Follow us at @SDCatholicConf

F&P Episode: 89 – Family policy is what our nation needs

On this episode, Chris is joined by Dr. Scott Yenor, professor of political science at Boise State University, where he teaches political philosophy. He is the author of The Recovery of Family Life: Exposing the Limits of Modern Ideologies, published in 2020. Chris and Scott discuss modern ideological trends that cut against the formation of family life, as Scott argues that a renewed public consensus supporting marriage is urgently needed today.

F&P Episode: 82 – Who was Fr. DeSmet?

Fr. John Paul Trask joins the show to share about the life of Fr. Pierre Jean DeSmet, a Belgian Jesuit who dedicated his life to mission among the native peoples of the west. Fr. DeSmet’s nineteenth century missionary journeys took him from Belgium to St. Louis, up the Missouri, and Read more…

F&P Episode: 76 – F&P Mini

Chris Motz gives a news round-up (SD education policy, federal “Women’s Health Protection Act,” and call to prayer on the Dobbs case) and shares “Doing the Truth,” an excerpt on the virtue of prudence from the Josef Pieper book being read by the SDCC study group.

F&P Episode: 74 – Individualism & Unity

On this episode, Chris is joined by thinker and writer Jack Gist (ft. on Ep. 25, Disputatio and the 1619 Project) to discuss a new essay from Jack, “Individualism, relativism, and the most extreme form of idolatry.” Jack unpacks the thought of Nietzsche and Duns Scotus, and helps us understand Read more…